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If you're a wife, mama, lover of Jesus and a woman on a mission to change the world, starting with the people inside of your home.

If you're ready to add some extra finances to your family's bottom line, explore your passions and purpose while raising your babies and being where you're needed most! 

If you're hungry for a community that stands in the gaps through ALL of the seasons, with women who just GET IT and get you. 


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I'm Lindsey Crouch and I've been right where you are now. I want you to know something important. 


No woman has to choose between the life she has currently and the bigger dreams that the Lord has put in her heart! 


You can have it all! You can have the joy- filled life, the blossoming marriage, the beautiful journey that is motherhood, a strong community, growth and success! 


It's exciting and scary to step out in faith to be who you were created to be. It's scary to know that the real you is more than the stories your circumstances might be telling you right now. It's easy to believe we are what others tell us, or only live up to other people's expectations. 


God has a planned purpose for the pivots in your life.
Nothing is wasted!!

I found myself in 2021, a stay-at-home mama of 3 with a newly failed business. Daniel and I had started a company back in 2018 called Guiltless Goodies. We had made it to the TOP where so many food companies only dream of- Whole Foods top 20 up and coming brands in 2019! This was our dream! I had worked as personal chef, Daniel as a personal trainer and my business partner, creating the recipes that made our treats so delicious! We were dynamic! 


In 2020 the pandemic hit and we could no longer secure funding that was needed to keep us afloat, so we had to shut down. We were deflated and a little lost as to what was next. We had spent the last 10 years working side by side, raising babies and our baby of a company, learning and growing together.


God ALWAYS has a plan and literally nothing is wasted! 


As a couple, we committed to prayer and keeping our eyes and hearts open and EXPECTANT for what God had in store for us! A few short month later, the Lord called me to step out in faith, start my ministry now known as Sisterhood Story- sharing stories for His glory and gathering women together to grow in Christ. 


I took the gifts & talents I had acquired from my years working as the behind-the-scenes marketing manager, social media manager and business manager for our food business and brought Sisterhood Story to life with the help of my good friend Megan Sluder. 


“Light arises in the darkness for the upright, gracious, compassionate, and just - who are in right standing with God.” -Psalm 112:4

For the next year I put my head down and got to work! I did what I teach every woman I have the opportunity to lead to do, I leaned in faithfully and trusted God. I trusted His plan and His timing in everything.


I trusted that as the good, good, father that HE is, He wanted me to win, and I kept my heart and eyes open. 


In the summer of 2021, a new business opportunity found me through a friend, and I felt like it was time! It started with a simple product that led to meeting some of the most dynamic women, building new friendships and budding business that was ripe to flourish!!


As I grew stronger in following my purpose, I stepped into leading a team of women to the top of a network marketing company, bringing in income that I could only dream of while being the heart of my home, being pregnant with and welcoming our 4th precious babe, taking trips, and having so much fun!!

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There were plenty of moments along the way that fear took control and I would fall back into its trap. Finally, I had enough! I was ready to SHINE BRIGHT and show the world who I really was and what God was doing in and through my YES.


I thought, “Why not me? Why not now?” It was a shift that changed my life and the lives of those around me.


Your value, your gifts and talents have been put in you by Almighty God! No one can take that from you! He planted them in YOU, because you are anointed + appointed to do good works with them on this side of heaven!


When I started to realize that putting myself out there, sharing my story as a woman who has trusted God in every area of my life, show up to do the work, stay consistent for results and SHINE, I started to see my circles changing. I started to see more possibility, more opportunity to bless others and I became BOLD for the calling the Lord has put on my heart. 

God never forgets our prayers… they never land on deaf ears…
They are seeds that He waters and grows in His perfect timing if they are part of His incredible plans and perfect will for us.

This life is a dream come true + the fruition of so many answered prayers!

Lindsey Crouch

is the Co-founder of Sisterhood Story, business coach and mentor to Christian women in business. 

With over 20 years of experience in the marketing and business world, Lindsey has led many women to victories in their home, finances, relationships and business.



Shine Bright Lindsey 

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