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Everything Good & Perfect starts in Seed form


Seed + Sew + Time + Intention + Harvest

S E E D.

There are 47 verses in scripture about seeds.

It's the way God tells us about the future.

Gen 8:22 'While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease."

What God is revealing in this verse, is that there are established laws in the earth. These laws consist of physical laws as well as spiritual laws.

These laws are representative of established natural patterns within creation and even reveal the hidden qualities of God. These laws represent established cycles that will not cease unless God causes them to change in the future.

Planting seeds and getting harvests are a part of the essential design of God’s creation as well as being an essential part of God’s hidden nature and character.

Seed is a general word used in many ways to determine different things. Here's 10 different seeds:

  1. Natural Grass Seeds

  2. Natural Fruit Seeds

  3. The Seed of a Man, His Sperm

  4. The Seed of a Woman, Her Children

  5. The Seed of a Man and a Woman, their offspring

  6. The Word of God

  7. The Seed of your Mouth, Your Words

  8. The Body of Jesus Christ

  9. The Church

  10. Your Body

A seed contains specific qualities that enables it to work even after extended times outside of the normal environment that they like to grow in. 🌱

Hidden in seed form does not mean forgotten by God.

If you are in seed form right now, spend time in prayer, ask for specific discernment on what your next move is and take action faithfully. The harvest is so plentiful for the women + men that are purposeful towards it.

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