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Your Words Matter!


POWER is in the tongue! 💓

Proverbs 18:21 says that life and death are in the power of the tongue. What does it mean by “in the power of the tongue?” The power in your tongue is ruled by your choice. Humans are the only creation of God that have the ability to choose their words! Words are containers of power that create action. They build up or they tear down. Words have the power to bring life or death physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This isn’t magical. It’s a matter of cause and effect.

Speak life & love.

🫶🏼 Speak positivity.

💓Speak hope, joy, kindness and what you want - not what you don’t want. 😍

No more complaining. Speaking fears, doubts or even the circumstances of your life that you no longer want… don’t spend your words looking backwards on what hasn’t worked. Look, speak & focus forward!!! 🤩

Your words have power, friend. Stop the negative words before they even cross your lips! Tame your tongue and take control of life! You’re not a victim, you’re a VICTOR! 💪🏼Speak it over yourself and your people all day every day!!!! Type “AMEN” if you agree!! 💖

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